Washington 2018 - Jennings Memorial Park Planting
Washington 2018 - Jennings Memorial Park Planting

Planting Location: 6915 Armar Rd, Marysville, WA 98270
Project Description/Objective: Planting native trees and shrubs along a Allen Creek in Jennings Memorial Park. This planting project is a 15 acre restoration planting along 2,500 ft. of Allen Creek, aimed to improve overall water quality and habitat conditions for salmon and other wildlife.
Ecological Benefits: Our partners in Puget sound work to rebuild forest habitat along stream-sides and wetlands to increase water quality and the health of our watershed and to help preserve and protect our salmon populations. Through this work, in 2015, we planted 20,252 trees, improving 16,271 linear feet of streams, covering 32.99 acres.
Community Benefits: We work with landowners and other partners throughout Snohomish County (on the Puget Sound, just north of Seattle's county, King County) to promote and encourage conservation and responsible use of our natural resources.
Types of Trees: Sitka Spruce Shore Pine Western Red Cedar Western Hemlock Douglas Fir Grand Fir Big Leaf Maple Red Alder Black Cottonwood Paper Birch Sitka, Pacific, Hooker, & Scouler's Willow
Number of Trees Donated by Noble Oak: 6,200