California 2022 - Family Lands in Northern California
California 2022 - Family Lands in Northern California
Planting Location: This project span 3 small projects in Trinity, Lake, and Lassen Counties.
Project Description/Objective: We work with landowners to plant seedlings natural to the area at a density to create a healthy forest right from the beginning, approximately 220 - 250 trees per acre. Planting locations are all forests which have been totally decimated by forest fires in the last 1-5 years.
The areas we are looking at including in these projects cover several recent fires in CA. Lands in Lake County have been impacted by the Mendocino Complex. In this fire all 1,000 acres of the landowner’s property was completely destroyed. In Lassen County, the Walker Fire burned over 50,000 acres, all 100 acres of the landowners property was lost in this fire. In Shasta County we have several landowners affected by this years 12,000 acre Salt fire, these small landowners lost all of their land, and hope to reforest about 60 acres.
Ecological Benefits: Post fire restoration brings life back to areas which suffer from loss of not only forest cover, but also potential loss of top soil, wildlife and plant diversity. The size and severity of the wildfires we are seeing in CA is leaving unprecedented impacts on the environment. The ecological benefits obtained from post fire restoration can accelerate the recovery of the earth on a wide range of variables. In untreated stands, we typically see the return of invasive brush species. These species can be quick to take over a site, but they do not provide the natural wildlife habitat needed to ensure recovery. These mixed conifer forests hold so many wildlife species, from squirrels to deer to mountain lions and bears. Allowing the forests to stay in a brush state for decades is difficult for these species. As we restore and accelerate the natural successions, we still see brush, but for a limited time, as we are able to move into young seedlings and larger trees in just a few years. As the young forest begins to grow, the trees become amazing carbon sinks, soaking up carbon and providing clean air for the local environment. From post fire clean up, to treating invasive species, to replanting the forest, all work together to bring natural order back to the watershed, improving conditions for all species living there.
Community Benefits: For each of the properties we have either connected with the landowner directly, or through their forester. Most have owned the property for long periods of time, all feel a deep connection to their property. Small landowners are unlikely to re-plant their forest following a catastrophic event. These projects will help return forests to forests - providing healing for the impacted communities.
Types of Trees: Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine, Jeffrey Pine, Douglas-fir, Incense Cedar
Number of Trees Donated by Noble Oak: 43,320